Wednesday, October 17, 2012


 This weekend my friend, Tasha, her sister, Nikki, and I completed a 10k! We did The Walla Walla Marathon (but only the 10k part). It was a "Run for the Ribbon" which was a breast cancer awareness run and the proceeds were given to the hospital. I wanted to do some kind of a race before I turned 30. I turned 30 a few weeks before the race but I think it still counts because I was 29 when I signed up for it. This is a picture of us before the race. Not the best picture because I'm talking but I think it would be rather difficult to find a picture of me NOT talking. One of my kids' biggest complaints is that I talk too much...
Which makes me feel I should let you know that we didn't actually run the 10k. We walked most of it. But not all of it. Just the parts where we weren't too busy talking. :o)

Someone posted this in their yard around the last mile mark. A little deceiving since that last mile seems like the longest but it was still fun to see.
Also the volunteer traffic man that was stationed in the intersection of Fern and Pleasant was AWESOME! He would run out to high-five you and cheer for you.
"You go Girl!"
"You're almost there!"
"You look great!"
"Keep going!"
I was running at that point but loosing my "Umph" Totally gave it my all after that. Thanks, Traffic Man!
One of the cool things about running (I use that term loosely) in a race for the first time is that you will ALWAYS set a Personal Record. I finished in about an hour and a half. Sadly, it is 3x slower than my 5k time but that just means I have a lot of room for improvement. :o)
After the race I stretched out around the corner at my Aunt Patty's so I could cheer on the other racers. "The Traffic Man" was so inspiring it was contagious!
Here is us after the race. It was so cool to hear my name announced as I crossed the finish line! I think we look better here in the after photo. Maybe because I am too tired to talk at this point. Probably though it is because we spent all summer preparing for this race and as you can see here; WE TOTALLY ROCKED IT!
Tasha is talking about a half marathon now...

A Note from Tasha
Megan- I am so thankful we did the 10k! It is important to set goals and challenge ourselves. That feeling of accomplishment is very satisfying.
You are right though that last mile seemed never ending, thank goodness for that traffic man, he was awesome! I could use someone (personnal trainer) in my life to yell out those encouraging words all the time!
We had a goal and we stuck to it! Thanks for all your time and work. I am happy we did it...who knows next yr it may be that 1/2 marathon! The proceeds went to cancer and I was happy to donate! Thanks Megan and Nikki for the support

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